'Suits' Season 4 Spoilers, Recap: Donna Paulsen in the Spotlight - Secret's Out

The second half of the fourth season of "Suits' seems to be dealing primarily with the character Donna Paulsen.

So far, Donna's secret is out in the open after Evan finds a video that catches Donna stealing the files, and the threat of her facing prison time looms large. Jessica and Jeff are having their share of troubles with Jeff discovering the embezzlement of money by Daniel Hardman and Mike's secret. And not just that, he also finds out that Louis has been keeping the secret about Hardman, all this time.

Meanwhile, the character Professor Gerard is back with an intention to bribe Mike to deal his case for him. And Rachel seems to be having her own set of troubles with Harvey refusing to acknowledge her work and appreciate her.

Speaking anout the upcoming episodes, Sarah Rafferty said, "I think we come back just moments after it happened and I will tell you that I think it's one of the most painful things for Donna to look to Harvey, who she has this incredible relationship with, and admit that she's let him down inadvertently, when all her life is about not letting him down," according to TV Fanatic.

A full synopsis of the upcoming episode titled, "Intent,' which will be aired on USA Network 10 pm ET on Wednesday, Feb. 25, was provided by Cartermatt.

The synopsis reads, "When SEC investigator Sean Cahill fails to link his corrupt boss Eric Woodall and corporate raider Charles Forstman, Harvey must revisit his own uncomfortable past in order to find a way to put them away for good. Mike and Rachel confront the fact that, while Rachel is Harvey's associate, Mike is his guy. And Donna helps Louis with an unexpected crisis."