'Suicide Squad' Spoilers: Batman & the Joker's Speeding Car Shown in New Leaked [VIDEO]

Filmmaker David Ayer is likely past the point where he is trying to keep information from the new film, Suicide Squad, under wraps.

The DC super villain film, for Warner Bros. is currently in production on location in Toronto, and nearly everything that has been shot in the view of passersby has been leaked online via photographs and video.

However, the latest piece of information to leak, is probably the most titillating. Fans have discovered that Batman will be making an appearance in Suicide Squad, as he was seen on top of the Joker's car at a recent shooting of a scene.

Earlier this week, the Internet was flooded with pictures and video clips which show the Dark Knight in pursuit of the Joker and Harley Quinn in the Batmobile.

This new information shows fans what will happen once he finally catches up with them.

A video was posted by YouTube user Vinicius Castro, which he took from the set.

In the video, a stuntman dress as Batman is in position on top of the Joker's purple car, as he and his sidekick, Harley Quinn attempt to get him off their trail.

Another onlooking fan, Jay Russell, posted even more footage to his YouTube account, which he captured with his cell phone.

That footage depicts the stuntmen resetting the scene. It is as yet unclear at which point in the film this scene will happen, but from several reports, it seems like it will be an opening sequence.

This is based on information that Jared Leto's Joker is behind bars for most of the action that takes place in the film.