'Suicide Squad' News: Cara Delevigne Speaks On Auditioning For Enchantress

'Suicide Squad' plans to be a huge feature film that will set off what's to come in the forthcoming DC cinematic universe.

With its large cast of characters, one doesn't know what to expect from the film. Alot of the more prominent actors have gotten more cover, such as Will Smith's Deadshot or Jared Leto's Joker, but we haven't been formally introduced to a lot more of the cast.

One in particular is Enchantress, played by Cara Delevigne. She gets a very short cameo in the trailer, but we're still in the dark about what her character actually does. Delevigne enlightens critics in a recent interview with Time magazine.

She spoke on the really engaging audition process she had with director David Ayer.

"Delevingne describes her audition for Suicide Squad director David Ayer as lengthy, intense and infuriating. Because he hadn't yet written the film's script at the time of her tryout, Ayer made Delevingne read the part of Martha from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, a character Delevingne had played before in a school production. Delevingne thought she had the audition in the bag due to her experience, but Ayer quickly told her to forget everything she knew about Martha, asking her try the part so many different ways that she was ready to "beat people up" by the end of the process. "I was like, 'Honestly, if I go outside and punch people, you've got to come get me out of jail because I am so furious," she says. "He sparked a f-cking fury in me," cited Time.

It appears that her character will be really charged by anger, as she also states that she'll kill people with her bare hands. She also goes on to express her excitement for her casting.

'Suicide Squad' plans to hit theaters on August 5, 2016.