'Suicide Squad' Cast News: Official Photo Of Jared Leto's Joker Emerges

Director David Ayer decided to try and break the Internet last Friday night with the full official look at Jared Leto in his Joker costume and makeup.

After seeing this, it's evident that the teasers did us no justice. This take on the character is certainly one that we haven't yet witnessed and fans might actually take to this.

"Leto's transformation for the role has been watched with almost absurdly comical closeness. He turned heads when a glimpse of his green hair for the role was revealed the day after he was noticeably absent from a table-read photo. (The joke was that Leto was the one who took the picture,)" writes Hollywood Reporter.

In spite of all the teaser pictures, this wasn't something anyone could have predicted, especially since the actor literally had brown locks to the center of his back and a beard a couple of months ago.

The only thing left to see now is how the actor actually fairs on camera. The picture only serves to add even more anticipation. How incredibly psychotic can he make the character?

'Suicide Squad' drops into theaters on August 5th, 2016.