'Suicide Squad' Cast News: 'Focus' Stars Will Smith & Margot Robbie Talk Roles in Upcoming Film

Actors Will Smith and Margot Robbie will be almost immediately paired together in another project after their most current movie, 'Focus', is released.

The two will appear in David Ayer's 'Suicide Squad' where Smith has been cast as Deadshot and Robbie as Harley Quinn.

In a recent interview with Flicks and the City, the two were able to break their silence on the anticipated DC project.

"I'm looking forward to it too, but I don't know what it's going to be character-wise," Smith says.

Margot adds, "We don't know what our characters' relationship is really gonna be [because] it's ever-changing."

When speaking on Ayer's directing methods, Smith comments, "It's really cool, the way that David Ayer works. It's all images, all ideas, and he holds the screenplay [pretty close] and he just keeps sending you things about your character. He just wants you to be prepared for anything."

They also attribute this method to not really knowing what to expect from the movie in terms of relationships and such. Ayer has only really prepared them for their own characters.

Smith also went on to say why he was interested in taking on the project:

"I guess I like the concept of dubious morals. I always liked to play in that area [...]. With Suicide Squad, we just started on that. I think I haven't explored the psychology enough of Deadshot, somebody who could take money to kill people; how he justifies that for himself. So, I still have a little bit of work to do on that, but in my life in general and in my career, those are the type of roles that I'm pushing more towards; those kinds of questions."

This project's high anticipation stems from its unpredictability. Many of the core characters have not been adapted for the screen before, and the comic book storyline is so obscure to even the most hardcore DC fan.

'Suicide Squad' will be released on August 5th in 2016.