'Suicide Squad 2' Release Date, News: Sequel May Be On The Cards?

With the film ending on a cliffhanger, a sequel to "Suicide Squad" may be on the cards.

"Suicide Squad" ended on a wide open note when Joker smashed into Belle Reve to take Harley Quinn away on another adventure, just when the Squad has just returned to their prison cells and things have just gotten back to normal.

Asked where the Squad is headed next, director Davis Ayer revealed that he already had some ideas. According to the director, ending the film on such a wide open note was the plan from the start.

"We shot that during the first week of photography-- I don't want to give stuff away but it's that anything is possible, and that's the thing, for as much control and commend Amanda Waller has over these guys, at the end of the day they're supervillains and they're gonna do supervillain stuff," he said.

He also added that the Joker-Harley relationship seemed like the right button for the movie.

"It opens so many doors if another one of these were ever to turn up under a rock somewhere," he said.

Since villains like Joker and Boomerang were introduced in the film, fans are wondering if their introduction was meant for standalone films like "The Flash" and "Batman" or a sequel to "Suicide Squad."

While Ayer admitted he already has plans for a sequel, he's not just ready to share them yet.

"I don't know, there may be a cocktail napkin with some scribbles on it somewhere, I don't know," he said.

"Suicide Squad" hit British and American theaters last August 5.