'Street Fighter 5' Release Date, Trailer: Comcom's Newest Playable Characters Thrill Fanatics?

With one of the legendary game in the history, Sutorito Faita Faibu or commonly known as "Street Fighter 5" will have its newest characters.

According to Engadget, Yoshinori Ono, the mind behind the revival of "Street Fighter 5" newest playable characters announced that by February 16,2016. It will be available in the nearest gaming store. The announcement was done during the Sony's Paris Game, wherein it was stated that the game will be accessible in PlayStation 4 and PC.  But sadly, it was not mentioned that the game will be applicable in the arcade just like in the past.

Camcom's newest characters are Cammy, Birdie, Ken, Necalli, Vega, R. Mika, Rashid, Karin, Zangief, Laura, and Dhalsim. Knowing that the "kicking monk Dhalsim" will become a part of the first 16 playable characters is a big revelation to some. Ono added that new six characters will be added to add excitement and fun. He pointed out that the six characters are unlockable for the sake of fight money currency. The user can also purchase the characters through Zenny currency.

It is expected that the revival of "Street Fighter 5" characters will be graphically enhance, with the grandiosity of its images. Some improvements when it comes to graphical art characters were made, as how it was originally featured in the previous version of the game. Critical art designed was also featured for an enjoyable game fight experience. Speculations say that the art was mainly based on the previous Street Fighter Alpha Version.

The Japanese game manufacturers aspire to target the North American and European gamers for a wider coverage of distribution. For this reason, the team will travel for France and Paris for the game promotion.

Watch "Street Fighter 5" Trailer.