Trending News|September 22, 2016 12:51 EDT
'Street Fighter 5' News & Update: New Mods, Characters, 2016 Capcom Cup Details Unveiled
New details on mods, characters, and the 2016 Capcom Cup for "Street Fighter 5" have surfaced.
"Street Fighter 5" gets two mods, as per Event Hubs. One is a mod from Cammy, which is made by OCZI. According to the website, it changes her with the likes of Killer Instinct's Orchid. The other mod is Judi from BrutalAce, and it seems that she is not yet prepared for combat.
About new characters, "Street Fighter 5" reportedly adds Urien to the game's growing character ensemble. The character was initially announced at Gamescon last August and players will be able to have him on Steam or via the PlayStation Store, by the time the update goes live. Also, players who have secured the Season Pass will be able to get him easily.
In addition to the mods and Urien, players will be able to experience the vs. CPU mode in "Street Fighter 5," along with various environmental knock-outs, which include Apprentice Alley, City in Chaos, Forgotten Waterfall, Hillside Plaza, Kanzuki Estate, Lair of the Four Kings, Shandaloo Base, Underground Arena, and Union Station.
Another addition in the game are the premium costumes, which can be obtained in various colors. These are set to be available on Steam and the PlayStation Store.
Meanwhile, Capcom digital media and eSports director Neidel Crisan spoke about his thoughts for the prize pool of the 2016 Capcom Cup. In a statement, as cited by Eurogamer, he said that their goal was to have an impressive prize pool for the event, which is the biggest in the fighting game history.
For Crisan, he said they want their fans to know they will have had a part in helping them achieve that milestone later this year.