'Street Fighter 5' DLC Character News, Rumors: Lupe Fiasco Playing Sisqo, Plus Game Mode And Challenge Details

Along with talks about Lupe Fiasco playing Sisqo in Capcom's "Street Fighter 5," the game may have revealed another character to the game. Also, details on the game's modes and challenges have surfaced.

Capcom could be adding another fighter in "Street Fight 5," as per Event Hubs. According to the publication, it is hinted by a film poster for "Secret Delta;" it shows a character, who is wearing a hoodie, and he looks stuck in a blizzard.

As per Reddit user Hierophant G, the "strange-looking" character is a potential new "Street Fighter 5" character. In 2015, the Reddit user wrote that it seemed likely that the man in the poster would be represented as a character in the game.

"If you look closely at his picture, it sort of looks like his arm is freezing over, this along with the ice pun in his name and the snowy background image might imply he uses some sort of ice-based fighting style, but that's just speculation really," the Reddit user wrote.

As per the publication, a new fighter would be welcome to the game, though the first batch of the DLX fighters are all returning characters. It is added that the studio hiding the clue from the players would be "pretty impressive."

In line with the "Street Fighter 5" exhibition, Canada Cup tournament organizer Lap Chi Duong unveiled that the match between rappers Lupe Fiasco and Sisqo would no longer push through. According to Duong, as cited by Event Hubs, the latter stopped by Canada Cup in 2012 following his performance at a nearby concert venue. He will not be able to attend as planned and in this regard, Duong is hoping of a match in the future.

Meanwhile, sources told Parent Herald that "Street Fighter 5" is set to have a challenge and arcade mode. As per the publication, the challenges are set to happen daily and they will present various game modes, such as the Story and Survival modes.

Published by Capcom, "Street Fighter" is slated to be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Linux in 2016.