Steven Curtis Chapman's Show Hope Spends Over $300,000 in Diapers Per Year for Orphans; Organization Now Seeking Donations

Show Hope

Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife Mary Beth's organization Show Hope, works for caring and advocating for millions of orphans worldwide, and spends $300,000 each year to provide diapers for the children at their five Special Care Centers in China.

Show Hope provides life-giving care for more than 300 orphans with special needs at Maria's Big House of Hope and its four other Care Centers in the Henan province of China. Although their medical needs range in scope and form, almost all of the children under Show Hope's care have something in common: the need for diapers.

Many of the children are especially susceptible to infections, so the level and quality of their care must be exceptional in order to meet their unique needs. This means lots and lots of diapers! Show Hope is entrusted with each life and is given the unique opportunity of stepping into their every day needs. Meeting this very basic, tangible need is essential to the overall standard of care they seek to provide for these precious children. And Show Hope needs the help of generous donors to meet it.

Supporters have a unique opportunity to step in to this very real, everyday need by helping fund diapers for the children at Show Hope's Care Centers for an entire year. A few options are:

  • donating $30 for one package
  • donating $60 for two packages
  • donating $90 for a whole case (three packages)

Funders of two or more packages ($60 or more) will result in another donor funding an additional package in the original giver's name. Donors of two or more cases ($180 or more) will receive original artwork from the kids at Maria's Big House of Hope.

Help Show Hope fund this pressing need by donating to the diaper fund today! For more information please

Source: Merge PR