Steam Summer Sale 2016 News: Week 1 Spotlights Systems And Accessories?

In line GameStop's Steam Summer Sale for Week 1, it is revealed that it is set to focus its spotlight on systems and accessories. Valve's sale divided the public's thoughts, with some agreeing that the move was beneficial while some believe that it did not create a spark.

Systems and accessories are set to be the theme of GameStop's Summer Sale for the first week, Game Spot has learned. As per the publication, a featured deal for the week is a new Xbox One bundle, which includes a $30 GameStop gift card for $280. The other deal is a PlayStation 4, which comes with a DualShock 4 controller, and both can be obtained for half the original price.

Steam's Summer Sale 2016 is regarded as the first to run without flash or daily deals, according to VG247. As per the publication, the recent Steam Summer Sale marks a "phenomenal" success for Valve, as it managed to hit nearly half more profit, which summed up to $236 million. An interesting note is that the studio was able to generate such amount, without any traditional flash and daily deals.

In the contrary, some PC gamers believed that the Steam Summer Sale 2016 was "quite boring," according to Neurogadget. As per the publication, they had to put some games in the wish list and check if the are on sale or not, which created a tremendous difference from the daily and flash sales last year. It is further revealed that the move left gamers with no choice but to buy with speed.

It is assumed that Valve is set to apply the former Steam Summer Sale method in 2017, but it is yet to be confirmed. For the time being, gamers have to wait for the Steam Halloween Sale, which is slated on Oct. 29.

Meanwhile, GameStop's Summer Sale runs from July 11 to Aug. 14.