Trending News|August 23, 2016 10:47 EDT
'Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void' News: Title Leaks Multiplayer Design Changes, Balance Overhaul
Blizzard Entertainment's "StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void" is set to have major changers, which include multiplayer designs and balance overhaul.
"StarCraft" balance desginer David Kim revealed his thoughts at the Dreamhack Montreal the changes that the title was set to undergo. In his statement on Blizzard Entertainment's official blog site, Kim mentioned that they could make "StarCraft 2" an even more enjoyable and competitive game experience and would like to explore a series of major changes to bring about such improvements.
For the cyclone, Kim said that they were planning to have an ultimate design change, making it a "core unit" that possesses a potent anti-armored attack versus ground units. The changes include anti-ground weapon, change of the weapon's name to Tornado Blaster, absence of anti-air weapon, decrease in speed movement, auto-cast removal, increased health, and lock on, among others.
"StarCraft 2" has also brought some changes to the siege tank. Previously, the said tank lost one of its key features, the area control. However, the team is set to reduce the movement of the Siege Tank by eliminating Medivac pickup; this enables the siege tank to boost its damage and regain its domineering power in various parts of the battlefield.
Blizzard also mentioned its plans for the factions. In a statement, as cited by Rock Paper Shotgun, the studio said that for Terran, their primary focus was to enhance the potency of Factory unit armies known as Mech compositions. The Protoss race improves through boosting the Zealot's power and making interactions with Terran Mech. Lastly, the studio is set to rebalance Zerg's tech paths through the Swarm Host.
"StarCraft 2" is Blizzard's military and science fiction video game and sequel to 1998's "StarCraft." The title centers on three factions - the technnologically gifted species, the Protoss; the assimilated life-forms species, the Zerg; and Earth's human exiles, the Terrans.
Blizzard's "StarCraft 2" was initially released for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X on July 27, 2010.
Watch "StarCraft 2's" trailer here.