Star Wars: Battlefront Bespin DLC Release Date, Details: Dengar Will Be The Big Bad?

"Star Wars: Battlefront" will be releasing a new DLC next month. The next expansion is reportedly to be named "Bespin." There has been a couple of speculations on what this DLC has in-stored for us.

According to the Ecumenical News, the AT-AT might also be heavily featured in the game; reports say that it can be controlled and there will be a couple of camera angles and views to choose from.

Dennis Brännvall tweeted how much they tried to make the AT-AT cockpit view work despite not pushing through with it in the end.

"We tried but cockpit view for Walkers felt weird as it moves with their footsteps," Brännvall stated.

It was also reported that Lando Calrissian and Dengar the bounty hunter will be part of the DLC. Dengar will be the big bad in this installment. Dengar might also get his own stand-alone expansion set which is something exciting.

As for the release date, "Star Wars: Battlefront - Bespin" will be coming out in June for all Season Pass owners. There are speculations that the DLC will only be available for pass holders during that month but nothing is confirmed.

"Star Wars: Battlefront" is a series of shooter video games which are based on the famous Star Wars movies. The series was released for the very first time back in 2004 by LucasArts. The game is developed by Pandemic Studios for LucasArts.

According to Game N Guide, EA previously hinted that the game may come out around the 21st of the month.