'Star Wars: Battlefront 3' Release Date Rumors: Game Set for Launch During Holiday Season 2015

"Star Wars Battlefront 3' is all set to release by the end of this year as confirmed by its developers, Electronic Arts, according to a report by Gamer Informer.

The third installment of the game will focus on the "Star Wars' movie, since the developers have used the Frostbite 3 engine. Although the game is not directly based on the movie, it will share the general themes, characters and props. The developers of the game, DICE, revealing the details of the game, said that the game will take players to locations such as Hoth and Endor, and feature vehicles such as AT-ATs and speeder bikes, among other things, according to GameSpot.

The trailer was released almost a year ago, wherein the grand unveiling of the glimpses of the game was done with the footage of Hoth's waste land and Endor's forests.

The CFO of Electronic Arts, talking about the game's potential to reach the audience said, "We're extremely excited about that. We think there's huge potential for that title. More to come in the next couple of months on that as more about the movie comes out as well as more about our title comes out. You should consider that a very large activity for us [this year] and a very large focus--similar to how we've thought about Battlefields in the past," according to Game Spot.

In other news, the game is also expected to come as a holiday gift to gamers, keeping in mind the release date, which may coincide with Christmas. As part of the Electronics Arts Access Program, the gifts to gamers allow Xbox players with an EA Access subscription to play the game before PlayStation and PC players, according to Master Herald.

The game will be distributed by Disney Interactive Studios and EA. Disney bought the rights from Lucasarts in 2013.