'Star Wars 8' Plot News: Episode VIII Script Leaked Online; 'Rey Is Anakin Skywalker?'

"Star Wars 8" alleged script has been leaked online and fans look like they are going crazy about the idea that Rey could be the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker. More than that, other important parts of the upcoming Episode VIII are said to be revealed.

According to Reddit user LouEvilOne, Episode VIII will be entitled "The Echoes of the Dark Side" and claimed that "Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker."  The user also claimed that she came from a virgin birth but her mother is already dead.

"This is why she's so crazy powerful with the Force," as written on the website. "Luke is hesitant to train her because, according to Jedi history, the chosen one always struggles with staying on the light side of the Force because of the chaotic power running through them. He's afraid that she could become Vader 2.0," the user explained further.

Digging deeper, the alleged storyline reveals more like the reason why Rey is bothered to Kylo Ren's loyalty and devotion to the Dark Side. It is also written that Rey was able to locate Han Solo who was killed in "The Force Awakens."

Whether the information is true or false, some Reddit user commented that it is fun to read. Meanwhile, Episode VII director J.J. Abrams revealed in a recent Q&A that Episode VIII will not tackle Rey's identity whatsoever.

"Rey's parents are not in Episode VII," Abrams said as quoted by Entertainment Weekly.  "So I can't possibly say in this moment who they are. But I will say it is something that Rey thinks about, too."

On the other hand, IB Times noted that people behind "Star Wars" are taking extra precautions and will not let the real plot of "Stars Wars 8" be on the Internet "like a piece of cake."

"Start Wars 8" is set to be released on December 15, 2017.