BC News|December 10, 2014 02:12 EST
Spoken's Matt Baird Says Worship Speaks More Than Tattoos & Heavy Metal; Praise Brings Rockers and Elderly Together [INTERVIEW 3]
Christian worship artist and frontman of the rock band Spoken, Matt Baird, chatted with BREATHEcast about the differences between screaming his brains out and then worshiping intimately. He also spoke a bit about the Kickstarter that was his new album, and finding an element of worship that is comfortable. This is the third installment of interviews with Baird, read part one here and part two here.
Baird was asked on whether he thought the heavy rock crowd would respond to worship better coming from someone like him, who one minute is throwing down some intense screaming vocals and the next straight out worshiping God.
"I hope that people would take worship a little different from someone who normally does a different type of music. I never expected that," said Baird. "There's people who have said, 'Man I love Spoken, when I saw you were doing an acoustic set, I had no idea what to expect, and I'm so glad I came'. It gives them a different take on not just Spoken songs, but on worship music as a whole."
Sometimes he takes people by surprise with just how soft spoken and initmately quiet his singing voice is away from Spoken. Also, people are always quick to judge by looks. Baird looks like a rock frontman as he has a sleeve of tattoos, shaved head, and a sweet beard. Some of the older generation may look at him, and not think worship leader - but they could not be more wrong.

Spoken just played a conference in San Diego where they did two shows, and in between he performed acoustic on two side stages. "We came out guns a' blazin, screaming my face off, full on show. These kids are not knowing what to expect and they loved it." An hour later in the middle of the crowd he played a Bryan Adams song. It was a totally different setting and feeling. He said it blew people away and caught them off guard.
"...the same way when I play in a church and a lot of the people are over 70 maybe." They look at him and don't know what it's about to happen, but he plays songs about Jesus and it becomes common ground. His faith and boldness to sing and minister to everyone regardless of what their preconceived notion is what draws listeners of all ages and musical tastes. The act of worship is something for believers to just release themselves into.
He said he feels awkward when worshiping and does not sing loud in public settings outside of the band. He knows God can use him whether his hands are in the air or at his side. "That's not what I do...that's going to take the focus off of anything that is worship and make people think, 'What's that dude doing?'"
"I don't want it to be about me" she explained.
In fact, he knows other people might feel that way too and usually says "Feel free to worship anyway that you feel comfortable. I'm not asking you to raise your hands, I'm not asking you to do anything. If you want to just sit down and close your eyes and be present and just let God speak to you, that's what you need to do."
Previously Baird told BC that God has been teaching him through worship music. As his worship ministry has grown, so has his faith and dependence on God. "He wants us as believers to be desperate for Him at all times and all situations, and He will allow some things to kind of go on that make you desperate for Him. There are times it is a little more difficult than you hoped it would be but you know you come out stronger on the other side," said the singer.
This is part of the growing that process that Baird feels will come full circle with his upcoming worship project. As of right now, he is in the midst of a Kickstarter campaign trying to raise $10,000 in funds to make the record possible.
He is no stranger to Kickstarter and feels humbled by the money raised so far, which is currently $6200 with 19 days left. With the likelyhood the goal will be reached, Baird was asked on whether he had any other ideas about what any additional money would go to.
"I stressed for so long about what my goal would even be, and I never want to be the kind of person who assumes that because I do something that people care," he humbly explained, "Same with the Spoken record. We put a goal of $10,000, and were like, 'What if we don't reach it?'"
People have constantly told him to have faith because he does not want to "assume," anything but faith is all he has. It is how he lives his life everyday. When it came to setting the worship record goal at $10,000, it was in faith and just enough money on what it will take to do it the bare bones way.
"God I know You can do it, but ARE You going to do it?" His wife told him not to stress. "No matter what, I want the record to be done well. So if we reach our goal, it will be done well, if we don't reach our goal, I'm going to somehow someway find someway to do it. Even with some ghetto recording."
Baird's plan is to go into the studio January 5th and record for two solid weeks. After that he will record a new Spoken song to start the momentum there. The band is planning to record in May, and he wants the worship record out by April but does not have many plans for a label or tour. He just wants to get it done as soon as possible and to the best of his ability.
The worship project can be funded at his Kickstarter account which can be viewed here. Watch the trailer for the campaign below:
This is part three of our interview series with Baird. Stay tuned for part four of the interview tomorrow where he discusses the new Spoken record and his time with Tooth & Nail Records. Read part one about the sound and inspiration of the new album here. Read part two where he speaks about family life and being on the road here.