BC News|December 23, 2014 11:21 EST
Spoken's Matt Baird Reaches Kickstarter Campaign Goal for Solo Worship Album
Lead singer of Christian rock band Spoken, Matt Baird, created a Kickstarter campaign to fund his solo worship album and has reached the goal with seven days left to go.
Baird was aiming to raise $10,000 for his project, and is currently at $11,423. When interviewed by BREATHEcast, Baird said he did not have any flex goals had he went over, but maybe now his thoughts will change.
According to his Kickstarter, Baird will begin recording this album in Nashville on January 5. It says 100% of the budget will go to funding the project in terms of studio and production.
"Anytime you're faced with giving up control and letting God take over, its never an easy decision. With studio time already booked and no gaurantee of a fully funded project, Matt is moving forward in faith believing this is just another step in God's even grander picture," the site reads.
Some of the Kickstarter perks include a phone call from Baird, early digital downloads, playing a show in their town, and an opportunity to hang out in the studio.
As far as what the album will most likely sound like, Baird is going more the indie modern rock vibe. He is looking to emulate bands that are very good musically and also fill in a great vocal. "Hopefully it's going to be different than anything that is out there when it comes to the worship genre. I'm really into Coldplay right now, for King & Country, OneRepublic. I would really like for it musically to be along those lines but at the same time with some guitar driven stuff and loops and pads underneath and maybe some keys."
Baird believes the album will carry the uniqueness he is looking for along with that acoustic vocal singer/songwriter vibe that has raised in popularity the last couple of years. "I want to enhance it. If a song is better with just being guitars and vocal on this record, then by all means. I want to do what's best for conveying the message for the song," he said.
He will be recording 10 original songs, and announced Spoken will have a new record in 2015 as well.
Read part one of BREATHEcast's interview with Baird about the sound and inspiration of the new album here. Read part two where he speaks about family life and being on the road here. Read part three where he speaks on the act of worship and relating to people here and part four where he talks about Spoken's new record here.