'Spider-Man' News: New Comic Series Announced Headlining Miles Morales

The face of Marvel Comic's 'Spider-Man' series has recently changed to the titular character Miles Morales in the Marvel Universe.

This series will take place post-Secret Wars and re-introduce the already popular secondary Spider-Man character as the sole wearer of the mask.

"Miles made big waves when he took over the lead as the Ultimate Universe's Spider-Man after that Earth's Peter Parker died in the line of duty. Since that time, he quickly built a following of fans from all backgrounds in making the role his own and reinforcing the notion that anyone can be a super hero," writes Marvel.

Artist Sara Pichelli and writer Brian Michael Bendis, both co-creators behind 'Spider-Man' will take the helm for the new comic series.

Bendis comments on the reunion stating:

"This is a very big deal to us. Miles is our baby. Sara and I had a baby! [Laughs]. And for our baby to have grown up and flat-out earned his place in the Marvel Universe, as Spider-Man, is frankly so much more than we could have hoped for when we first sat down to design him and his life. When it became clear that I was going to follow Miles into this new adventure, I was really hoping that Sara would see the value in it being both of us that do this together. I was thrilled that she agreed immediately."

Pichelli also comments saying:

"In 2011, when I worked on the very first issues of the Ultimate Spider-Man book, I couldn't even imagine that I was helping create what quickly became an instant-classic. I feel proud and lucky at the same time that Brian and the Marvel team chose me to be part of that.

"Now it's time to tell the next story about a new milestone in Miles' life, and I must say, it feels so natural to be working again next to Brian on this. Like I did the first time, I'll work my ass off to draw the amazing story that Brian is writing for our Miles."