In the news|April 14, 2015 04:39 EDT
Spider-Man New Movie Rumors: Webslinger to Share the Big Screen with the Avengers?
This weekend, Marvel TV debuted their first Netflix series, Daredevil, which is already a hit among fans and critics alike. They have also recently hosted a global press conference for Avengers: Age of Ultron.
This along with the films to be released this summer, next summer, and in the future, have made for a quite exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
However, the biggest news may come as Marvel and Sony have come to an agreement and will be collaborating for yet another Spider-Man reboot.
According to Screen Rant, "Spider-Man and all of the characters associated with him owned by Sony pictures are now going to have their stories take place in the same cinematic universe as The Avengers."
This new opportunity has led Marvel to slightly revise their current movie plans and schedule in order to fit in a new Spider-Man feature sometime in 2017.
The character will appear before that, though in a Marvel movie that will be released next year.
"Since that announcement, there's been speculation, rumors and reports pointing towards all sorts of possibilities for who will play the new web-slinger, which version of Spider-Man it would be from the comics and how he's share the screen with other familiar Avengers heroes in the coming years," says Screen Rant.
What fans do know for certain is that the new series will start near the beginning of the story with the original Peter Parker.
Also, while some reports are saying that actors in their '20s were being considered for the part, Marvel stated a month ago that they are actually looking for someone in their teens to play the lead role.