Sony at E3 News: Sony Steals the Show at E3 Conference With 'Last Guardian' and 'Final Fantasy VII' Remake

This year, the E3 gaming conference started off with some exciting news. The big names in the video game industry show cased their latest trailers as well as videos of their upcoming games at the yearly press conference, each trying to impress fans more than the other, and garner reactions from the viewers of the conference across the globe.

Companies such as Nintendo, Microsoft, Electronic Arts and Ubisoft all impressed fans with brand new games and gadgets.

However, in the end, Sony's PlayStation presentation stole the show.

Shawn Layden, the boss of Sony Computer Entertainment America, started off the show by giving fans a peek at a trailer for The Last Guardian, which is a mysterious game about a boy and his pet, which is a giant feathered flying beast.

This was the first new look at the game since the E3 gaming conference in 2009.

Gamers and commentators alike have cast speculations about the development of the game for the past six years, until it became a joke, with people assuming that it would never be released, or seen at an E3 press conference again.

Later Sony's show, they revealed a trailer for the remake of Final Fantasy VII, the 1997 role playing game by SquareSoft, which is now known as Square Enix.

Fans had been demanding a remake of the game for years.

After the trailer for Final Fantasy, Sony shocked gamers once more with the release of a trailer for Shenmue 3, after which Yu Suzuki, the creator of the game announced a Kickstarter campaign for the development of the game.

The Last Guardian should be released in 2016, while the other two games have no certain release date.