Christian Singer Plumb Raises Awareness for Kids Infected with Malaria, 'Every Minute a Child Dies From a Mosquito Bite'

Songwriter, recording artist, performer and author Plumb, who's real name is Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, is joining the fight against malaria. The singer took to social media to raise awareness of the vicious parasitic disease.

"Malaria sucks... Every minute a child dies from a mosquito bite. Save lives @ ? ?#MalariaSUCKS," Lee tweeted.

The organization she linked out to is called Malaria No More. To help raise awareness, the establishment came up with the clever idea of using orange lollipops labeled malaria sucks and have there donors post selfies of themselves holding up the lollipops with the phrase.

The Christian singer, who has sold more than 500,000 albums and over two million singles worldwide, posted a picture of herself holding her lollipop encouraging her fans to help as she wore big smile on her face.

(Photo : twiiter)

Malaria no more provides some insight on the tragic infection. "Every minute, a child dies? from a mosquito bite. We're using the symbol of an orange lollipop to highlight what children in Africa are missing out on due to malaria - their childhoods," it stated.

Malaria is named one of the top three killers of kids worldwide. Commonly, the disease is transmitted by a bite from an infected female Anopheles mosquito, which introduces the organisms from its saliva into a person's body.

The site goes on to say,"Every 60 seconds, a child dies from this preventable and curable disease." Symptoms typically include fever and headache, and can progress to coma or death.

Visit and see how you can join Plumb in the fight against Malaria.