Trending News|April 15, 2015 09:09 EDT
Singapore High School Math Problem Stumps Internet, Goes Viral - Cheryl’s Birthday [SOLUTION]
First there was #TheDress then 'The Cat on Stairs Optical Illusion' and now, a Singaporean Math problem has gotten the Internet's attention with its mind-boggling question about guessing a particular girl's birthday.
Indeed, "When is Cheryl's birthday?" -the Math problem has gotten quite the media attention all over the world after it had been leaked into Singaporean television news coverage. Kenneth Tong, a television host, had posted this on his Facebook account after heated debate with his wife.
The test had initially appeared on a junior and sophomore High School test for Singaporean's elite schools organized by Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiads (SASMO) on April 8.
With a series of hints from Cheryl and some seemingly confusing conversation from two boys, Albert and Bernard, the Math problem could only be solved by deduction. The problem goes as follows:
"24. Albert and Bernard just become friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is. Cheryl gives them a list of 10 possible dates.
May 15 May 16 May 19
June 17 June 18
July 14 July 16
August 14 August 15 August 17"
Cheryl tells the boys separately the month and the day of her birth later on. Consequently, the two stroke a conversation with each other.
"Albert: I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know that Bernard does not know too.
Bernard: At first I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know now.
Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl's birthday is."
When the test was uploaded online, there have been a variety of answers that had left netizens feeling either confused or frustrated. Others just took it to amuse themselves by putting it on memes and hashtagging #Cherylbirthday on Twitter because it would seem that "Cheryl" is giving the boys a hard time for guessing her birthday.
"Coy Cheryl," Math solvers were saying along with other amusing comments. "Cheryl obviously didn't want Albert and Bernard at her party. Should have taken the hint when Cheryl decided to play this little game," someone said on Facebook.
"If Cheryl makes it this hard to find out when his birthday is, she's NOT going to get many gifts," tweeted another.
Eventually, SASMO had released an official statement regarding the confusing Math problem to ease the worry from Singaporean parents on the difficulty of the test including model answers found here.
"To whom it may concern:
We would appreciate if you could post this reply to clarify the "supposedly P5 viral question" that appeared on several websites. We think it is important to clarify so that Singapore parents will not start to worry so much.
The supposedly P5 question that went viral on the Internet on Apr 12, 2015 is actually a question from the Secondary 3 and from the Secondary 4 SASMO (Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad) contests held on Apr 8, 2015. Being Question 24 out of 25 questions, this is a difficult question meant to sift out the better students. SASMO contests target the top 40% of the student population and the standards of most questions are just high enough to stretch the students.
Yours Sincerely,
According to AFP, "Singapore is renowned for their national maths system which is being emulated by many developing countries and cities, including New York."