'Sherlock' Season 4 News: Filming for New Episodes will Begin in Spring 2016

Fans eager to see the next installment of the famed BBC series, 'Sherlock' may have to wait a bit longer than expected.

In a recent BAFTA press conference, it was revealed that the show won't start shooting the fourth season until the spring of 2016. This estimates the actual release of the season to be somewhere near the beginning of 2017.

This delay is likely attributed to the actors having their schedules filled with their recent work in the MCU. Some months ago it was revealed that Benedict Cumberbatch would be portraying Dr. Strange in the cinematic world, and not very long ago, word has gotten out on Martin Freeman's secret role in 'Captain America: Civil War.'

In an interview with EW, Steven Moffat shares some details on the "frightening, tough, emotional upheaval" of season four:

"There are answers coming to questions which nobody has asked. There's one thing that no one has really brought up...

[Series four] is going to be... I suppose you'd say... consequences. It's consequences. Chickens come to roost. It's dark in some ways - obviously it's great fun and a Sherlock Holmes romp and all that - but there's a sense of things coming back to bite you."

Moffat then speaks on what makes season four different than the previous:

"We haven't started writing it yet, so it's early. The first series was all about the beginning of their friendship. Second about the formative stages, the love and fear and loss and all that. The third was good days, me and my pal and my pal's wife. Those are golden days. The missing element in a lot of Sherlock Holmes adaptations is allowing it to be funny. There's a lot of humor in Sherlock Holmes, and it's ignored in a lot of adaptations. [Season 4] is going to be... I suppose you'd say... consequences. It's consequences. Chickens come to roost. It's dark in some ways-obviously it's great fun and a Sherlock Holmes romp and all that-but there's a sense of... things... coming back to bite you. It's not a safe, sensible way to live. It's hilarious and exhilarating some days, but some days it's going to be bloody frightening."

Whatever he has planned, he also makes claims that it will make fans very desperate for season five.