'Scarface' Remake Movie News: Classic Film Adaptation Gets Al Pacino's Support

An idea for a remake of the classic film 'Scarface' was announced not too long ago and new developments have suggested that this project is now underway and quite real.

In fact it is so real that the star of the 1983 movie, Al Pacino, has cosigned on the project. At the premiere of his new movie, 'Danny Collins', he was approached by THR and asked about his feelings on the remake. He responded, "Oh, it's fine," and described the studios plans as interesting.

"It's part of what we do. We remake things," states Pacino. "I may remake a movie I saw recently. I can't say what it is. It's about 50 years old."

Many are quite surprised the actor is quite alright with Universal Pictures remaking the greatest movie of his career, and very well one of the greatest films of all time.

The new movie will be helmed by Chilean director, Pablo Larrain, and being produced by Marc Shmuger.

"The new film, originally reported to be in the works in 2011, is intended to be a new story, set in Los Angeles and exploring an immigrant's rise in the criminal underworld," writes THR.

The protagonist will also share the same name as Tony Montana from the first film.

As it stands, there are currently no actors attached to the film.