Trending News|February 18, 2015 03:17 EST
Samuel L. Jackson Explains Why Marvel Movies are More Popular than DC Movies in New Interview
In a recent interview with MTV, actor Samuel L. Jackson gave his opinion on the age old debate about which comic book franchise is the best, Marvel or DC?
With the actor's reoccurring role within the MCU, he of course sided with Marvel. He made a very interesting point in stating what Marvel has been able to accomplish that DC hasn't as of yet.
"I think Marvel has figured out a way to make those movies accessible to the public that DC hasn't," says Jackson. "I don't know what that is. I don't know why you can't get Batman and Superman or people to get as juiced up to be a part of that."
In DC's defense, the franchise hasn't yet been able to kick off their cinematic universe the same way Marvel has. The upcoming 'Batman V Superman' flick will ultimately be the first to kick it off, but Marvel's head start leaves them 10 movies ahead.
"Marvel has already proven it can get fans absolutely pumped about superheroes like Iron Man, who only decades ago were looked as almost laughable. On the contrary, as of this moment audiences have little faith in DC films other than the ones driven by its two leading characters Batman and Superman. That's why there is so much riding on Snyder's upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Provided it goes well, they are in a great position to capitalize with their followup Suicide Squad (2016), which while it's too early to see how mainstream audiences may respond, is thus far looking pretty intriguing to us geeks," writes Cinema Blend.
It is definitely possible for DC to match Marvel's fan base if not exceed it with the start of Snyder's DC universe in 2016.