Trending News|February 20, 2015 11:02 EST
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Specs Rumors: New Tablet Aims to be Thinner Than Apple's iPad Air 2?
Samsung is rumored to give their Galaxy Tab S2 an even thinner look than Apple's iPad Air 2.
The iPad Air 2 is 6.1mm thick, compared to their iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus set to be around 6.9 mm to 7.1mm. However, Samsung has yet to reveal how thin the actual tablet will be. In the meantime, the company is claiming the Galaxy Tab S2 to be the thinnest tablet yet.
Since the release of Apple's iPad Air 2, other companies have been trying to keep up with the popular company's products. Samsung made some head way with the Galaxy Tab's release last summer, but it seems they still feel the need to keep pushing the envelope in order to stay ahead of Apple.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 will feature a metal frame, making the product more durable with the thin look of the tablet. The display for Samsung's new tablet will be an 8.0 inch and 9.7 inch, slightly different from the 8.4 inch and 10.5 inch of the Galaxy Tab S. According to Sam Mobile, Samsung will also be releasing the Galaxy Tab A and Tab A Plus with the same dimensions.
Judy Mottl of Tech Times said, "These tablets, according to reports, will be LTE and Wi-Fi only options and both will reportedly have the same display resolution of 1,024 x 768 pixels."
If Samsung can pull off a thinner look than the iPad Air 2, then Apple with have a run for their money as the battle for the top company continues.