Romantic Film 'Old Fashioned' Goes Against '50 Shades of Grey' in Theaters Valentine's Weekend Reminding Folks Chivalry Is Not Dead [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Old Fashioned Movie

'50 Shades of Grey' Competitor 'Old Fashioned' hit theaters Valentine's Weekend and the actors open up about the exciting new romantic drama and the importance of respect and chivalry. 

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Old Fashioned



-a surprisingly contemporary romantic drama where chivalry makes a comeback, and asks the timely question: Can a couple committed to respect make it in today's hook-up dating scene? All this as FIFTY SHADES OF GREY grabs headlines. Just say no to control and dominance. Real love happens as mutual attraction factors in mutual respect-which OLD FASHIONED makes both entertaining and uplifting.

From writer, director, producer and star Rik Swartzwelder, an award-winning filmmaker in his feature debut. Also staring Elizabeth Ann Roberts (Criminal Minds, Southland, CSI)

OLD FASHIONED opens Valentine's Weekend 2015

A romantic-drama, OLD FASHIONED centers on Clay Walsh, a former frat boy who gives up his reckless carousing and now runs an antique shop in a small Midwestern college town. There, he has become notorious for his lofty and outdated theories on love and romance as well as for his devout belief in God. When Amber Hewson, a free-spirited young woman with a restless soul, drifts into the area and rents the apartment above his shop, she finds herself surprisingly drawn to his strong faith and noble ideas, which are new and intriguing to her. And Clay, though he tries to fight and deny it, simply cannot resist being attracted to her spontaneous and passionate embrace of life. Ultimately, Clay must step out from behind his relational theories and Amber must overcome her own fears and deep wounds as the two of them, together, attempt the impossible: an "old-fashioned" and God-honoring courtship in contemporary America.


  • Valentine's Weekend Movie Smack Down: David v. Goliath

    OLD FASHIONED grabbed national attention (examples: MTV and Time) when its media campaign synched with FIFTY SHADES OF GREY'S record-breaking trailer premiere. Now both movies open Valentine's weekend with radically different perspectives.

  • Rumors of Chivalry's Death Greatly Exaggerated

    What if a perfectly modern couple-former frat boy and free-spirited girl-try to get it right? In counterpoint to our "hook-up" culture, writer/director/star Rik Swartzwelder's film OLD FASHIONED, asks: What if a 2015 couple tries another set of rules? Answer: A lot of people get angry. Find out more from Rik.

  • Sex and Dating

    Sex on date one is the norm says 55 percent of respondents in's annual singles survey. (That's 66 percent of men and 44 percent of women. And 55 percent of men say couples should be sexually active at least by the third date.) OLD FASHIONED, meanwhile, is about dating when the goal is not instant action but long-term love. Rik Swartzwelder wrote, directed and stars in OLD FASHIONED. Ask him.

Rik Swartzwelder-Skoche Films
Nathan Nazario-Motion Picture Pro Studios
Dave DeBorde
Nini Hadjis