Trending News|December 02, 2014 04:26 EST
'Rocky Horror' Sequel News: 'Shock Treatment' to Debut as Stage Show in London Next Year
For those that may not know, in 1981 a 'Rocky Horror' sequel was released, which turned out to be an absolute flop. It was called 'Shock Treatment' and it featured Brad and Janet stuck inside a television game show.
Of course, none of the original actors were involved with the film and that could have been the reason that it was a flop. However, there is good news for fans of 'Rocky Horror' and 'Shock Treatment', as a new adaptation is in the works.
When 'Shock Treatment' was released on DVD in 2006, many people saw just what a disaster it was, but there were also quite a few who loved it and called it a cult classic.
Therefore, the creator Richard O'Brien, is now making a stage production of 'Shock Treatment' in London. He has worked and overworked the script for the stage and he says that it will debut in April at King's Head Theatre. Many of the fans of this movie say that the soundtrack is much better than the original 'Rocky Horror'.
The whole idea behind 'Shock Treatment' is that it showed the main characters in a terrible reality TV show before reality TV shows were even an idea. Perhaps that's why the film wasn't so well received. O'Brien says that he thinks the stage version will garner in a better reception than the original film.
As it stands, fans of the films will have to wait and see if the stage version of 'Shock Treatment' is a better hit than the movie. On that note, fans are hoping to hear some of the great songs in the 'Shock Treatment' soundtrack when it opens up on stage in April.