Rock Singer Jon Bon Jovi Interested in Purchasing the Buffalo Bills Football Team: No Comment Yet From the Bills

Rock Singer Jon Bon Jovi Interested in Purchasing the Buffalo Bills Football Team: No Comment Yet From the Bills

Insider reports indicate that rock singer Jon Bon Jovi is in the position to attempt to purchase the Buffalo Bills football team. CBS Sports reported that people close to Bon Jovi claim that he has wanted to own an NFL team for some time and is apparently trying to make a move on the Bills. Jason La Canfora from CBS says, "Rock star Jon Bon Jovi is consumed with purchasing an NFL team, according to numerous sources with knowledge of the situation, and is among the parties positioning to purchase the Buffalo Bills when the team comes up for sale."

The Buffalo Bills are currently owned by Ralph Wilson. Wilson, who is 95 years old, has made it clear that he will not sell the team as long as he is alive.

Bon Jovi is reportedly worth over $290 million and was the third highest paid musician in 2013. He brought in a little over $79 million this year.

The Buffalo Bills are estimated to be worth around $870 million as of August, which puts them at 30th most valuable in the NFL.

Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said, "Bon Jovi is apparently part of a group expressing interest in buying the team, but there's been no contact between them and Erie County. This is why it was important to get the 10-year lease in place."

Do you think Bon Jovi will buy the Buffalo Bills when owner Wilson dies? Let us know what you think in the comments!