Interviews|September 03, 2014 05:35 EDT
Rock Band Coincidentally Shares Name with Terrorist Group ISIS; Mix Up Won't Deter Their Message of Music (I Am Isis INTERVIEW)
Perhaps one of the most difficult things a band can do is come up with a solid name. What becomes even more difficult is building a brand from that name and using it to represent the band's identity. One such group has the rather unique problem of sharing their band name with an Iraqi terrorist group, ISIS.
(I Am) Isis is an indie rock/soul funk band fronted by female lead singer Isis, who uses that monicker for her band, her spoken word, and poetry. Obviously established before the terrorist organization began making the news, the name is kind of problematic as it may give off the impression they support ISIS and are saying "I Am ISIS."
This is not the case, and the band addressed this issue in a blog post earlier today titled, "We Are Not Bowing to Terrorism."
"Anyone who knows us, knows we don't bow down. We don't bow down to injustices or stereotypes of any kind. We don't bow down to bull**** and we're sure as hell not bowing down to terrorism," Isis wrote on the band's blog, "(i am) isis is in no way affiliated with nor do we support ISIS or any other terrorists."
They continued, "Our founder and front-woman, isis has already challenged the misnomer that black women don't do rock music. Our band has already challenged the idea that we need to change who we are to be accepted commercially. As a band, we will challenge the idea that we have to drop our identities anytime something evil comes our way. Unfortunately, we are in a period where war is all around us and we cannot afford to, we refuse to, lose who we are in the face of adversity."

BreatheCast spoke to the band's drummer Manny Mavrakis about how the group came to the decision about the name.
"We had brought it up one day in practice...they keep getting bigger and bigger and one day my boss went to work and said, 'Yo dude you guys have to talk about that name. They just decapitated a guy," he said.
Mavrakis said at their next band practice they sat down and spoke about the name for awhile. It was tough because it had been the name for awhile and they have copyrighted songs, made shirts and music all bearing that name, "What kind of band has the problem where they can say 'Oh a terrorist group stole my band name?'"
"I'm very proud to be an American. This is a good place to live. I don't want anyone to say 'What is this kid doing?' I don't care what people say about my tattoos, what kind of job I have, I'm not rich driving six Mercedes. I don't want people thinking I'm an unpatriotic person that is against the U.S." he said of his only concerns to people's first reaction to the band name.
He said they thought of asking the fan's their opinion of what they should do, and even maybe have them pick a new name. In the end they did not want the "terrorists to win" and decided to stick to their guns.

Ultimately (I Am) ISIS will move forward with their band name and make clear their message through music and just being informative about what (I Am) Isis means to them.
"It is our hope our name (i am) isis does not offend those who have lost loved ones and are continually affected by the terrorist group ISIS' actions. We continue to send our love and prayers for peace."
For more information on the band, check out their website here.