'Rock Band 4' Release Date, News: Harmonix Announces Next Installment in Franchise Launches in 2015

Fans of the highly successful music video game series "Rockband" kept wondering whether there would ever be another title for them to rock out to. Well, according to Harmonix, the company is looking to launch "Rockband 4" sometime this fall for the newer generation consoles.

Harmonix's co-founder Alex Rigopulos told IGN that the series needed a break. "But since then we've been paying close attention to what our community has been saying about it. There's been this steadily growing crescendo of fans saying, 'Hey Harmonix, what the h***? It's time! Why haven't you announced a new Rock Band? We're ready for it!'" he said.

Another reason the series stopped was because the company was trying to sell an expensive game during the recession. Now that video games sales continue to rise steadily, "Rockband 4" is ready to make its debut to fans new and old.

Since its announcement, the most exciting news about the new game is that songs downloaded for other "Rockband" games can be transferred to the consoles. For example, if a consumer purchased a song for "Rockband 3" on their Xbox 360, they could transfer that song to "Rockband 4" on their Xbox One. There will be no import fee either.

Harmonix is working with Sony and Microsoft to include a new generation of instruments as well. However, if people don't want to cough out the extra dough, they are working on adapters that will allow players to use their older generation instruments with the new game and consoles. Rigopulos said, "I am confident that we'll be able to find workable solutions."

Consumers can now pre-order new instruments on Harmonix's website. The company is looking to release more information about "Rockband 4" at this year's E3.