'RKOBH' Finale Recap: Roxy And Morgan's Friendship Survives

After Roxy decided to drop out of Morgan's engagement trip to London at the last minute, on Rich Kids of Beverly Hills, viewers had their doubts about the pair being able to recover their friendship.

Viewers got an exclusive first look at the engagement party during the season finale, and got to find out how everyone feels about Roxy as well.

In a talking head, Roxy talks about why exactly she decided to come to Morgan's engagement party.

"I think this situation is a test of our friendship as an adult friendship," said Roxy, once she decided to walk in to the party. "I came to her engagement party because Morgan's been my sister for so many years. I think that Morgan and my friendship maybe has expired in the way that it was and we need to move forward in a different way and figure out that way."

After making that mature statement, Roxy joins the rest of the group and is welcomed by Morgan with a huge smile and a warm embrace.
Roxy tells her that she looks good, and Morgan replies with, "I know, right?" and viewers breathe a sigh of relief as they realize that things are going to be okay.

Later on, Morgan tells viewers what her true reaction was to seeing Roxy.

"I was definitely surprised that Roxy came to my party," said Morgan. "Showing up means a lot -- I know that it's gonna take work and I'm definitely willing to put in the work to move forward."

Many fans have said that they could not even imagine the show without this pair on it. Besides, they know that Roxy has got to be a part of Morgan's wedding.