Trending News|March 04, 2015 11:25 EST
Rita Ora News: Singer Talks Rejection & Role in 'Fifty Shades' to InStyle Magazine UK
It has been an interesting and phenomenal start to this year for singer Rita Ora who is not only doing good in her music career, but in her newly discovered acting career as well, landing a "blink and you'll miss it" role in the new film 'Fifty Shades of Grey'.
Although it seemed to be easy for Ora to reach her current state of fame, the singer and actress revealed to InStyle Magazine UK that she also experienced a lot of rejection.
"I've been told 'no' so many times in my career," Ora revealed to the magazine, "It doesn't mean it's over...I can remember every single 'no' I've been told in my life. They do not leave my brain. But they build you up," she added.
Ora also revealed an interesting story about getting confused that her offer from the film's director Sam Taylor-Johnson was only for the film's soundtrack. "I said I'd love to involved as I was such a fan of the book," she explained adding, "And then Sam said, 'Well, why don't you audition?' And I said, 'Sure...I've got a few song ideas, I could send them over...' and she said, 'No, why don't you audition for the movie?'" Ora shared.
Ora then continued sharing how shocked she was about the offer since she only did a few acting gigs. "And I was like, 'What?, I've done a bit of acting, but honestly didn't expect to be put into that role," she continued adding, "I thought, what have I got to lose? I auditioned like everybody else - there were a lot of other people in the frame. I didn't get any special treatment. I perfected my American accent, one thing led to another, and I got it."
On that note, it seems that her part in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' helped to promote the film as well as the singer herself.