Rihanna & Leonardo DiCaprio Dating Rumors: Actor Getting Close During Singer's Birthday Party?

Rumors of the possible new Hollywood couple "RihCaprio" have recently been fueled with the news of DiCaprio attending a birthday bash for pop singer Rihanna.

Rihanna brought in her 27th birthday in a big way on Friday at a private home in Beverly Hills and the story amongst sources is that the two were very familiar with each other at the party.

"They weren't couple-y but they would flirt and dance so definitely a little magic there," reports a source from People Magazine. "They were definitely flirty and dancing, but not over the top."

The rumor of the two being a couple isn't new as they have been spotted together at some high profile events.

"The first rumblings of RihCaprio rumors can be traced back to January, when the two partied together at the Playboy Mansion before the Golden Globes, and were allegedly spotted 'making out'. Rumors raged on as, shortly after, the stars were both spotted partying at the same hotel. Us Weekly seems to think that RihCaprio is the real deal and claims the alleged couple 'took their fling to the next level' and spent Valentine's Day together," writes Huffington Post.

Nothing has been made public, but the rumors have been debunked by NY Daily News with news of the Bajan singer dating Richie Akiva, owner of the 'Up & Down' club. On the day of her birthday Akiva posted a selfie of the two together captioned: "Happy Birthday! #bada** #sweethearted."