In the news|February 19, 2015 09:23 EST
'Ridiculous 6' New Cast News: 'Lost' Star Jorge Garcia Tapped for Role in Upcoming Netflix Movie
Producer and seasoned actor Adam Sandler's movie, Ridiculous 6, has rounded up a mix of actors and actresses. Jorge Garcia, most known for his role as Hugo "Hurley" Reyes on the hit TV show Lost, officially joined the cast on February 16.
The cast, which now includes Garcia, will also star Tayler Lautner, Nick Nolte, Whitney Cummings, Steve Buscemi, Rob Schneider, Dan Aykroyd, Will Forte, Jon Lovitz, Vanilla Ice, and making his acting debut, country singer Blake Shelton. This list of names is such a variety that critics and fans of Sandler are anxious to see what this film will show.
The Wrap described the plot of Ridiculous 6, which is described as a spoof to the classic Western The Magnificent Seven, as follows, "Sandler will play an orphan raised by a Native American tribe and Lautner, Schneider, Wilson and Terry Crews will play his half-brothers. Nolte is Sandler's long-lost father, Forte and Trejo are leaders of rival gangs, Shelton will play Wyatt Earp and Vanilla Ice will play Mark Twain."
With the disappointment of Sandler's film Blended and Seth MacFarlane's Western A Million Ways to Die in the West, Sony and Paramount passed up the film. Instead, Netflix decided to sign a four-movie contract with Sandler, with Ridiculous 6 being the first of the four films. The film is set to be released in theaters later this year and is directed by Frank Coraci. With Netflix's success of making its own shows such as House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, this is the film's last chance to be produced and viewed.