Trending News|May 01, 2015 11:04 EDT
‘Revenge' Series Finale Confirmed: ABC Cancels Show after Season 4 Finale Titled ‘Two Graves’
ABC has confirmed that the popular vengeance-seeking television drama 'Revenge' will come to an end after its fourth Season. The finale of 'Revenge' Season 4 finale titled 'Two Graves,' which will be aired on Sunday, May 10, will be its last.
IB Times reports that on Wednesday, 'Revenge' executive producer Sunil Nayar told the Entertainment Weekly, "We can officially tell our fans that this will be the end of the story." He further said, "We've been talking to the network and we all just wanted to make sure that we felt very confident. Now that everybody has seen the finale -- which is fabulous -- everybody understands that as much as we all adore the show, it has hit exactly the mark it needed to end. This is the series finale of 'Revenge' that will be airing in a couple weeks."
The show will draw curtains after Season 4 episode 23 titled 'Two Graves' is aired on May 10.
Meanwhile, fans 'Revenge' were actually not very surprised to know the news regarding the series' cancellation, particularly after one of its leading ladies met with a fiery fate. Victoria Grayson, portrayed by Madeleine Stowe on the show, committed suicide by burning Grayson Manor to the ground while she remained inside. However, the wicked matriarch made it appear as if her arch enemy, Emily, was responsible for the devastating fire by flicking the match that razed the mansion to the ground.
Currently, Emily is behind bars for the murder of her former mother-in-law. However, the fans seem to be more concerned for her life than the time she is spending behind bars. In any case, fan-favorite Em quoted Confucius at the commencement of the series, stating, "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Before the final episode of Season 4 as well as the series, viewers will have another episode of 'Revenge.' Season 4 episode 22 of the show titled 'Plea' will air at 10:00 pm ETD on Sunday, May 3, on ABC.