Trending News|July 23, 2016 03:15 EDT
'Resident Evil 7' VR Release Date, News: Game Is ‘A Bit Too Scary’ In VR?
Fans can now access Capcom's "Resident Evil 7" demo on PlayStation 4 and in line with this, Capcom Europe's CEO Katsuhiko Ichii himself admitted that the title was terrifying in VR.
In his intervew with MCV, CEO Ichii said that honestly, he found "Resident Evil 7" a bit too scary. He also said that it depended on the person, as some people might play part of it in VR while some might play it entirely in virtual reality. He added that some might play the game entirely on the screen.
"It's a choice," Ichii said.
Jump scares could be dangerous for some people, especially those who have heart problems. In this regard, Capcom's Marketing Director ensured that such jump moments were controlled.
In the same interview, Molant said that when creating the game, the entire development team had approached it as a normal non-VR game and put in plenty of frightening jump moments. According to Molant, they made sure that they were not putting people in danger for real, from a testing standpoint.
In June, it was revealed that "Resident Evil 7" is set to return to its original horrifying roots and a first-person perspective was seen as perfect to provide such gaming experience.
In a statement, as cited by Capcom Unity, "Resident Evil 7" director and producer Koushi Nakanishi and Masachika Kawata said that the best way to do to experience horror in the most direct and visceral way possible was to put oneself in the position of seeing what the character saw.
According to Nakanishi, as soon as they had the system up and running, they had been really confident that it had been the way to move forward and they had been really happy with the way that "Resident Evil" felt in first person.
Capcom's "Resident Evil 7" is slated to be released for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows on Jan. 24, 2017.