Trending News|June 30, 2016 04:07 EDT
'Resident Evil 7' Release Date News, Rumors: Ordinary Person Set To Be The Main Character?
Unlike the previous 6 Resident Evil installments, the seventh game to the franchise will be something new. With that said, it is hyped up to bring back the horror in Resident Evil.
This time around, we won't be seing, Chris or Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy or Jill Valentine in the game. Those highly trained mercenaries won't cut it anymore. The developers of the game went to a different path this time by putting in an ordinary person as the main character in the game.
It will be Slient Hill-eque or more of a Fatal Frame kind of feel, perhaps. As seen in the demo, there will be ghosts, killers and infected beings to escape from. There might even be an absence of guns in the game.
According to MNR Daily, producer Masachika Kawata said that an "ordinary person" that is unfortunately put in an "extraordinary situation" is the formula that they came up with to bring the horror back into the game. The feeling of being powerless in a very unlikely situation would bring out the fear in the hearts of the gamers this time around.
The demo of the game has been making a lot of noise online and a lot of endings and elements in the game are examined by According to the site, there will be four endings in the demo. They are labelled as Escape, Fuse + Phone, Speed + Phone and all actions.
"Resident Evil 7 Biohazard" is set to be released on January 24, 2017 and will be available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR, Xbox One, and the PC.