Trending News|March 04, 2015 08:51 EST
'Red Dead Redemption 2 News, Rumors: Rockstar Franchise Sequel Still on the Table
There is nothing Rockstar fans would love to hear more than the release date for the game developer's sequel to their wild west gun-slinging adaptation, 'Red Dead Redemption'.
Unfortunately, Rockstar has been reluctant to tell fan's when they can see this, but it is strongly believed that it is in the works.
In a recent conference call, 2K's Karl Slatoff stated, "Looking further ahead, we have a robust pipeline of titles in development, including ground breaking new intellectual properties, and new releases from our proven franchises."
It is highly inferred that the sequel to 'Red Dead Redemption' was one of the "prove franchises."
If the game is coming out, fans may find themselves waiting quite a while, as the company has made it known that they take their time on sequels.
"As we've mentioned when asked in the past about new games in other series such as 'Red Dead Redemption,' 'Bully' and 'L.A. Noire,' we don't always rush to make sequels, but that does not mean we won't get to them eventually," states Rockstar.
It's uncertain if any information will come out about the game during this year's E3.