'Real Housewives of New York City' Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Major Drama in 'The Art of Being a Cougar'

This week's episode of Real Housewives of New York, started of with Carole and Heather having a little one on one time and a little girl talk.

Carole disclosed to Heather that she has been spending time with Luann's private chef, Adam and that she and him went to a Halloween party. Afterwards, Adam took her home and she threw up all over him, because she got sick at the party.

At Bethenny's place, the hotel staff sent her a cupcake arrangement for her birthday, and she decided that she wanted to keep things simple. She wore a bedazzled jumpsuit, and invited Heather and Carole over to celebrate.

Kristen and Dorinda were not invited, but Sonja was and she brought her German romantic interest, Dominik, who brought his roommate. Bethenny made a toast hoping that the night would be a representation of the year to follow.

The next day, Kristen gets news from Heather that she was left out of the birthday party and unloads on her housekeeper, Jimilyn.

Meanwhile Dorinda and John go out to dinner and discuss Hannah, which is clearly a sensitive spot for Dorinda.

The ladies have another dinner, this time including Dorinda, Heather, Bethenny and Carole.

Bethenny spoils the fun, talking about dead husbands and saying that she wants to "re-brand death".

Heather then brings up the fact that Kristen is upset about Bethenny not inviting her to her birthday party and this causes a lot of conflict.

Bethenny says that she doesn't really know Kristen and that Heather was Carole's plus one. This caused silence to fall across the group and the women finished their dinner quietly.