'Real Housewives of New York City' News, Rumors: Bethenny Frankel Talks Weight and Return for Season 7

There has been a lot of criticism about Real Housewives of New York star, Bethenny Frankel's weight. Frankel owns a company called Skinnygirl, but many people believe that she is too skinny.

On the "Today" show, the star responded to comments about her health and weight by revealing her actual weight.

According to the NY Daily News website, Frankel told host Savannah Guthrie "I do eat. There are nutritionists that comment that I don't even weigh a hundred pounds -- I weigh 115 pounds. I'll be happy to get on the 'Today' show scale!"

Still, the reality TV star did admit that at times, she can get stressed out and this will have an effect on her weight. She says that she does agree that she can look too thin at times, especially when she is tired or anxious.

She also used her appearance on the "Today" show to discuss the rumors about her rejoining "Real Housewives of New York" because her talk show failed. Frankel had left the reality show after its third season.

Frankel clarifies this rumor by stating that she was offered positions on several shows, including "Shark Tank", "Dancing with the Stars", and "Cinderella", but turned them down in favor of returning to the show that shot her into stardom.

Frankel adds that she is shocked at her own choice, and thought that she would never go back to the show. "It had gotten to a point where I really didn't enjoy it anymore. Now I'm so glad that I waited because I'm really enjoying it. I respect the women, I respect what everyone's going through," she stated.