'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Cast News: Kim Richards Fired from RHOBH

With all of the drama surrounding Kim Richards in the past few months, fans have been wondering whether they will get to see the star on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills next season.

While Bravo maintained for some time that it was a possibility, new information has surfaced that may confirm that she will not be returning as a cast member for the sixth season of the series, according to reports from E! News.

Sources closely involved with the hit reality television series say that Richards, who has been on the show since it first premiered in 2010, will be returning to make a cameo on the show or a few brief appearances, but she has lost her place as a full time cast member.

"The RHOBH producers really have no interest in bringing her back to the show. Kim needs to get help and it needs to happen outside of the show," said a source, to Us Weekly.

Another source stated that the producers do not want to bring her back on the show as long as she continues to struggle with her issues.

"There's no interest in putting her back on television unless she's addressed her issues," said the source. "The show didn't trigger her addiction -- and her recovery also needs to happen outside of it."

The remaining housewives are expected to return for season six of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Richards was arrested earlier this year and voluntarily checked herself into rehab. When she took a leave to attend her daughter's wedding, she lost control and has checked herself in again since.