'Real Housewives of Atlanta' News: Kenya Moore Speaks on Phaedra Parks’ Inappropriate Behavior

After a very heated episode of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" on Sunday, star Kenya Moore went on Bravo's "Watch What Happens" to explain what happened on the episode and why she is getting involved with matters that viewers might consider unnecessary.

On Sunday's episode, Moore had confronted Phaedra Parks about her supposed affair. Apollo Nida, Parks' ex-husband, claimed that Parks was seeing a man by the nickname of Mr. Chocolate. He had shown Moore text messages and other evidence to solidify Moore's side of the matter.

At a group dinner, Moore boldly told Parks that she was seeing someone even before the Nida was sent to prison. Parks wasn't happy with the accusation and attempted to reach across the table and apparently harm Moore. Luckily, other women from the show were there to separate Moore and Parks and nobody was harmed.

During "Watch What Happens", Moore told viewers that she saw Parks' behavior and reaction "extremely inappropriate." During the show, a caller asked Moore why she was involved in the Nida and Parks' drama in the first place.

Moore said, "We're in all of our business. I think that's what the show is about. We have to talk about things that are going on, not only with ourselves, but with everyone else on the show. "

Nida and Moore have had some history in the past with text messages of their own. Nida has also lied to Moore in the past. When callers and show host Andy Cohen reminded Moore of this she said that because of the evidence of the text messages from Parks and Mr. Chocolate, she decided to give Nida the benefit of the doubt and believe him.

Cohen told Moore that falsifying texts isn't hard to do and Moore said, "You can't pick and choose what lie you want to believe that Apollo has told."

"The Real Housewives of Atlanta" airs Sundays at 8/7c on Bravo