'Rainbow Six Siege' Update News: Title Adds A Brazilian Spot, Two Operators

In line with Ubisoft's "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege," it is revealed that the title's update has added a Brazilian spot as its locale.

"Rainbow Six Siege's" newest expansion is named "Operation Skull Rain," according to Ubisoft's official blog page. As per the publication, the next set is set to have two Operators plus a map. Players are set to roam around Brazil's favela, or slum with urban areas.

It is revealed that the update's new map is the most indestructible "Rainbow Six Siege" map to date and players can access it for free.

According to the blog, the Operators are called Caveira and Capitao. They both come from Brazil's Batalhao de Operacoes Policais Especiais or BOPE. It is revealed that the new Operators are set to be available to players who hold the Season Pass; thus, they have an exclusive access to the for the first week following the update's release.

Along with the map and the Operators, it is further revealed that "Rainbow Six Siege" has included new tweaks and enhancements to the game. As per the publication, the biggest change is the inclusion of the custom game mode called Tactical Realism. This system prevents gamers from marking the enemies and only the compass, time, weapon panels, and gadget will be visible in the HUD.

As per Game Spot, Ubisoft is set to announce more details on the game, in line with the second season of the Xbox Pro League Finals, which is scheduled on July 29.

Ubisoft's "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege" was released on Dec. 1, 2015. It runs on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.