Trending News|April 06, 2016 10:12 EDT
PS4 Update 3.5 Features, News, Release Date: New Option 'Appear Offline' Added
A new option was unveiled as a key feature for the PS4 Update 3.5, which is confirmed to be released on April 6.
This new option, which can be found under "Online Status," doesn't really need any further explanation other than it gives the user the choice to appear offline to the other players.
The description reads, "This could be useful if you want to play games or watch movies without your friends knowing you're online."
Another feature of the PS4 3.5 update is the "Friend Notification" which will tell the user when any of his friends is online, assuming of course they did not use the "appear offline" option.
As to the other features, the Playstation blog has all the dibs on the PS4 update 3.5.
"On the Events tab, we're adding the ability to schedule gameplay sessions with your friends," it said.
"Just select 'Create Event,' and you'll be able to make an invitation for an upcoming gameplay session. Choose the day, time, game, and send it off to your friends. When your event starts, users who registered will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away."
Players can also share an event to a group, which will be posted on the community wall where each of the member can register.
Gamespot listed all the other features of the PS4 update 3.5:
Teen Account Creation: Teens (aged 13 - 17 years) can play in offline mode until they get their parents' approval on some of the games.
Remote Play (PC/Mac): Allows users to play PS4 using the PC or Mac.
PlayStation Plus Hub: Subscribers can access and manage their online games.