Trending News|August 18, 2016 12:24 EDT
PS4 Neo News, Rumors: Release Date Just Around The Corner?
The rumors surrounding the release date for the PS4 Neo have changed so much that people really don't know what to believe anymore.
Previous news reports alleged that the PS4 Neo would be released in October this year. That certainly made sense considering that the PlayStation VR was said to be launched also during that time. The new console would be powerful enough to accommodate the high-spec demands of the headset.
Then there were rumors that the new console would be released in the spring of 2017.
Now, a French site is claiming that Sony is gearing up for a huge event on Sept. 7 specifically dedicated to launch the PS4 Neo.
For now, however, it's not wise to believe this report without being vetted by someone from Sony or a mainstream news site. It may just be like the countless rumors circulating around regarding the PS4 Neo.
News about the console was met with some doubts considering that the PS4 was supposed to be the most powerful in the market today. Players were concerned that developers would stop making games for the PS4 with the arrival of the Neo.
However, Sony execs have dismissed all such rumors, insisting that the PS4 Neo would not replace the PlayStation 4. Rather, those who want another gaming experience may buy the new console mainly to enjoy 4K gaming, said the report.
For now, the PlayStation 4 can't really play 4K games, although it's more than capable to show 4K videos. More than games, news reports revealed that the new console is rather to be launched in preparation to support the VR headset.