BC News|August 21, 2014 10:29 EDT
Project 86's Andrew Schwab Announces Position as Director of Ministries at Crossroads Church; 'Tin Soldiers' Relocation Opens Opportunities
Project 86's lead singer Andrew Schwab announced that he will be the Director of Ministries at Crossroads Church in Denver, Colorado.
"[I] accepted a position as director of both the young adults and men's ministries at Crossroads Church of Denver," Schwab said in a press release, "As of September 1, 2014 my family and I will be relocating to Colorado... What this means is that The Tin Soldiers will have a new base of regular operations in one of the fastest growing cities in the country."
"The Tin Soldiers is a collective of men who recognize our number one priority is reflecting the character of Christ," the Facebook page reads. It is also for "a lost generation of young men who are searching for meaning and purpose."

Schwab continued in a newsletter, "It is not a coincidence that this is happening just as the curriculum is being finished. Some amazing things are on the horizon. And if you are in the area, I ask that you begin spreading word about both our men's group and young adults services which will be launching in the fall. I have some big ideas and can't wait to hit the ground running. This move is the culmination of literally YEARS of prayer. And speaking of prayer, if you are not in the Denver area, please remember us in yours."
To order the 'Tin Soldiers Study Guide', click here.

Project 86 will be releasing their ninth full length album this October, following up their 2012 record Wait For the Siren.
According to their press release, 18 new tracks were recorded including an acoustic one, "We have loved pushing the envelope of evolution on every Project 86 release and this record is no exception. The inspiration behind this record is completely different and its been incredible to write and record with such a talented group of guys," said lead singer Andrew Schwab in a statement.
The band was able to raise $90,000 for their project after only setting their goal for $50,000. This placed the campaign in the top 10 of IndieGogo all time.
"We had such an amazing experience from start to finish on the last record that we couldn't wait to do it again. Even more fans got involved this time and blew us away with their support. We have had backers coming in the studio participating in the process, singing gang vocals, Skyping with us, etc. It's a fun and rewarding way to create and release new music."
Watch a campaign promo video below: