Prince Harry News: British Royalty Advices Youngster to Stop Taking 'Selfies

Reports are claiming that Prince Harry has told Australian youth that "selfies are bad" during his visit in Canberra on Monday. He further explains that he much prefers a normal photograph which quietly let down self-obsessed teenagers and prompted laughter from the crowd.

The British royalty is in Australia for his four-week attachment to the Australian Army which will take him to every coast of the nation. He had flippantly joked with many fans who gathered just outside the Australian War Memorial which included a teenage girl who had dragged the Prince for a photo opportunity.

Prince Harry had warned the girl that he was against "selfies" saying, "Seriously! You need to get out of it. I know you are young but selfies are bad."

A social media expert, Lauren Rosewarne from the University of Melbourne commented that the Prince's words were "words of wisdom" for youngsters leaving electronic footprints with their social media posts.

"Young people need to be reminded as many times as possible that what you put online stays online, even if you delete it," Rosewarne tells AFP, "He knows probably better than these images will never go away."

Prince Harry of Wales was promoted Captain by the British army. He will be in Darwin for training working on Aborginal infantry regiment, the North-West Mobile Force, known as NORFORCE.