Trending News|March 20, 2015 03:39 EDT
‘Pretty Little Liars’ Season 5 Finale Spoilers, News: 'A’ is Revealed in the Closing Episodes
The fifth season finale is promising to be a big one for ABC's hit series "Pretty Little Liars." With everything wrapping up, executive producer Marlene King dropped some big hints to the show's avid fans in an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly.
According to King, the March 24 season finale will finally reveal the notorious "A's" identity, something that viewers have been dying to know since the series began half a decade ago. She went on to say that many fans have correctly identified the character saying that "fans have discovered the truth of who 'A' is, just not the why.
In the books which the show is based on, Courtney DiLaurentis is revealed to be Ali's identical twin sister, who could be "A." This speculation is known among fans as the twin theory. King said, "There is a reason why we keep dropping these not-so-subtle clues about the twins, so I would say wait for it. You're not going to see Courtney, but you may see double of someone."
"A" wants to punish all of the liars, not just a select few. With some already dead or in jail, fans are wondering if the mysterious character will live up to all of their threats.
"Our fans have been so loyal, and so passionate, and so supportive, and we want them to know that I consider this season to be the beginning of the end of this story," King said, "It has been an epic journey, but we are on a path now that is going to lead you to the identity of 'A' sooner than later, and we are going to give you bigger and bigger clues as we go along."
"Pretty Little Liars" season five finale airs on Tuesday, March 24 at 8 pm on ABC.