Trending News|March 24, 2015 01:54 EDT
'Pretty Little Liars' Season 5 Finale Spoilers: Is 'A' One Person or a Whole Group?
Fans of 'Pretty Little Liars' are eagerly waiting for the show's Season 5 finale, as it will reveal the identity of "A." In the finale episode titled 'Welcome to the Dollhouse,' fans will witness the events that follow the imprisonment of Aria, Spencer and Emily on charges of murdering Mona and Alison being found guilty. From what is apparent, all the girls will be spending some time behind the bars.
According to Christian Today, the final episode of 'Pretty Little Liars' promises to expose the actual identity of "A." According to reports, the anonymous serial killer is now ready to reveal what is being depicted as "the biggest game to date in store for the girls." In addition, fans are wondering if the liars will escape it unharmed. Fans are of the view that the mysterious "A" is actually a group and not one individual, who is responsible for the bloodshed.
Meanwhile, stars of 'Pretty Little Liars' too have many things to say. Sasha Pieterse, who portrays the character of Alison, has some assumptions regarding the murderer who is roaming freely and the actress substantiates her views with great reasoning too.
In an interview to People Magazine, Pieterse said, "I think the one that's always stuck with me is Maya being A," She added, "I think that's actually, whether that's true or not, it's actually a really good idea because generally in our show the person is only dead if you see their face, and Maya was really the only person that died that you didn't actually see her face, she was in a body bag."
Irrespective of whether "A" turns out to be an individual or group, Shay Mitchell (who portrays the character of Emily) says the finale episode that will uncover the identity of the miscreant will be sheer madness.
She told the Insider, "It is probably my favorite episode and I think I can speak on all of the girls' behalf when I say that it is so crazy. It made me question the writers' mental stability. You find out who 'A' is possibly."
In order to find out "A" identity, watch the 'Pretty Little Liars' Season 5 finale episode 'Welcome to the Dollhouse, which airs on at 12 pm March 24 on ABC Family.